Laws of attraction: take control.

Jolly good tidings to everyone where ever you are and whatever you are doing. It's great to be here again. I haven't got a whole heap to say, just a few words of my thoughts as I prepare to go to sleep-its about 10mins past my bed time and counting.

So, I've been thinking a lot about the law's of attraction and how the people we attract are a manifestation of our conscious or subconscious projections of our selves. In a nutshell, we attract what we project. It sounds like one of those tired clichés, yet it is profound as it is deep, even a tad bit unsettling.

Before I talk about the profound part I will like to settle the unsettling bit first if all. If the people we attract is down to how we project ourselves, that means all the times I found my self in unhealthy and unproductive relationships, it was largely due to my own conscious and subconscious projection of myself. Does this mean I was responsible for my own misery and abuse? To a very large extent, yes. How unsettling is this??? Very unsettling, even if I say so myself. I always thought it was their fault not mine-thats not faiiiiiiiiiir, can I just go back to blissful ignorance? Eeeeeeeeeerm, no.

Note that accepting responsibility for how people threat me does not mean that I am also responsible for the actions of the people that abused me. what it does mean is that I have the power to consciously change the way I project myself. Is that profound or what?

Put it this way,  i can't be  powerful if i shy away from my responsibility to myself because with great power comes great responsibility. Ultimately, we are all responsible for how we project ourselves and thus the people we attract. if you want people to threat you with respect, guess what? You have to first threat yourself with respect. If you want to attract people with high self esteem, you must first work on building your own self esteem. If you want people to value you, you must value yourself first. Obviously,  there are exceptions to this rule, children, people with mental and physical disabilities and other vulnerable persons may not have the capacity to exercise this power, which obviously explains the need to protect such persons from abuse and exploitation.

As this is a quick write up, I won't go into too much details but I hope you get the general gist of my gist. No doubt, I will talk more on this topic either directly or in connection with another topic, so see this as an intro. As a round up, the key thing to focus on is your awareness of self because this is the first step. I am hardly going to alter the way I project myself if I am unaware of how I project myself in the first place- this takes honesty, because even the best of us would rather see ourselves in a good light rather than a bad one.

The next thing to be aware of is that changing the way we project ourselves for the better takes not only awareness and honesty, but also a considerable amount of time to make such changes. As they say, old habits die hard. I also heard that old hobbits die hard too. If in doubt, you can check with Frodo Baggins (joke inserted, moving oooooon) So, don't be too hard on yourself, give yourself time to practice being the upgraded version of you self,  even if you fail the first few times, with  practice, perseverance and tenacity, you will see the results of your harrrrrrrd work...

Thank you for taking the time to read my write up..

If this sounds like a self help thingy, it wasn't intentional.



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